Why these riddle tweets are going viral

A tweep by the name Crazy Nairobian has had Kenyans on their toes with his hilarious tweeps.
Crazy Nairobian or Billy the Goat has been posting tweets composed of two pictures of either celebrities or influential persons and challenging Kenyans to find clues to riddles.
The trick is to combine the names of the two people in the pictures to finish cryptic sentences in the tweet.
Here are a few of what the tweep has been sharing.
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Nime enda kuona mtoto wa governor Turkana bila appointment😢, sasa nko hapa nje...
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Wasee wa nduthi huwa na unity, wanaeza fanyia mmoja wao mchango aoe celeb kama ni pesa...
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Put together a controversial politician and a controversial musician and you still get the most controversial KOT tweep...
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Uko stranded stage na mtu umekuja kuona...

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